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  • FC005-ElectronicLoad

    Version Française sur mon blog:

    This project includes :
    - The hardware design and build (Kicad)
    - The firmware source and binaries (Arduino IDE)
    - The 3D printed enclosure design source (FreeCAD)

    I needed a small electronic load, I wanted to have one. Even the smallest are way too expensive for my usage and miss a lot of wished features. Thus, I specified high ratings and numerous features, way over my needs, even if I meet 50% of the specs, this will be more than my actual need....


    Source Jekyll de mon blog
    Jekyll sources for my blog

  • Hakeva

    Hakeva (pronounce hae-key-va) means Hardware Key Value
    (aka Hardware Redis, or hwredis)
    ...and also "rare" in Finnish

    Be aware that this project will probably never reach a useful status. It helps me to learn FPGA configuration with Verilog
    Designing and building such and electronic hardware, a firmware and a gateware is my new personal challenge.

  • mkernel

    Multiplatform-Distributed application framework
    Micro-kernel based, everything as a module


    • Integrated memory leak detection for testing
    • Advanced OOM behavior tests (using setrlimit and filling RAM) for testing
    • Module manager with modules meta-data, onload/onunload auto calls and usage counter...
  • Packer

    My packer configuration to build vagrant boxes

  • Puppet Modules

    My puppet modules, mainly tested on and developped for Debian

  • Raspberry Pi Cluster

    Hardware :
    The idea is to create a mini cluster with 15 raspberry pi connected to a single 16 port switch and to a single 5V power supply. It has to be as light as possible and transportable. Each node need to be switchable (on/off) easily and to have a minimal UI (LEDs connected to GPIO pins)....

  • rsstats


    Redis Enterprise Software Statistic collector

    This tool takes a list of clusters to query using their REST API and a list of report to generate in a CSV file.


  • Vagrant

    My vagrant configuration to instanciate immediate clusters

  • Verilog

    Meta-project with subprojects
    Verilog playground for FPGA (Altera/Intel Cyclone family)
    - SDRAM
    - FIFO
    - UART
    - ...

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