1.1 open Fixes and improvements on 1.0 76% 45 issues (1 closed — 44 open) Related issues Evolution #192: Add debouncing to the rotary encoder (selector and switch) and trigger using 74LS14 and 74LS74 Actions Evolution #200: Fix L1 inductance footprint Actions Evolution #203: Choose a better Crystal for Y1 Actions Evolution #211: Add debug solder bridges to isolate each pin of each connector Actions Evolution #212: Add debug test points for I2C Actions Evolution #213: Remove the delayed and progressive start from the security Actions Evolution #214: Convert the whole security block to use only -12/+12 (no GND/5V anymore) Actions Evolution #219: Simplify voltage sense connector Actions Evolution #220: Remove extra protection diodes D9/D7 not useful because of flyback diode D8 on LM7805 Actions Evolution #221: Use U10/D13 as ADC interrupt Actions Evolution #222: Include firmware source code in the repository Actions Evolution #226: LCD connector PCB silkscreen info Actions Evolution #227: Protect all connectors against reversed connection Actions Evolution #228: Use a 10 or 12bits ADC (10-30mA precision at 100kHz) instead of 16bits (at 200Hz) Actions Evolution #229: Connect LM7805 to -12/+12 instead of GND/+12 Actions Evolution #230: Convert the whole resistor block use only -12/+12 (no 5V dependency anymore) Actions