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Hours: 25:47

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
12/24/2023 François Cerbelle Développement Anomalie #234: Shift feedback from 0-5V to 0-0.075V Applied in changeset mkernel:commit:mkernel|537fb6ecab829dc927c6ac1bcc1efd3a2d82c79d. 1:00 Actions
07/23/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #256: Investigate current limiting and thermal runaway in MOSFET with transistors and resistors 2:00 Actions
07/23/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #227: Protect all connectors against reversed connection 1:00 Actions
07/23/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #256: Investigate current limiting and thermal runaway in MOSFET with transistors and resistors 1:00 Actions
07/19/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #227: Protect all connectors against reversed connection 0:15 Actions
07/19/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #253: Replace ADA4611 with (P)DIP (LM2904?) 1:00 Actions
07/14/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #211: Add debug solder bridges to isolate each pin of each connector 1:00 Actions
07/14/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #232: Resize R18 0:15 Actions
07/14/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #230: Convert the whole resistor block use only -12/+12 (no 5V dependency anymore) 1:00 Actions
07/14/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #227: Protect all connectors against reversed connection 0:30 Actions
07/13/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #234: Shift feedback from 0-5V to 0-0.075V 1:00 Actions
07/08/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #230: Convert the whole resistor block use only -12/+12 (no 5V dependency anymore) 0:30 Actions
07/07/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #215: Security fan is currently progressively started 1:00 Actions
07/07/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #216: Add a second fan to balance current between -12/+12 and for better heat protection 2:00 Actions
07/06/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #214: Convert the whole security block to use only -12/+12 (no GND/5V anymore) 1:00 Actions
07/06/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #227: Protect all connectors against reversed connection 0:15 Actions
07/06/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #229: Connect LM7805 to -12/+12 instead of GND/+12 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #205: Temperature value instability when sampling from ADC 1:00 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #221: Use U10/D13 as ADC interrupt 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #223: fix Y1 crystal footprint 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #226: LCD connector PCB silkscreen info 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #219: Simplify voltage sense connector 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #196: Swap Q4/1 and Q4/2 0:30 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #197: Swap U1/V+ and U1/V- 0:30 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #198: PCB silk serigraphy inverted for trig in and out 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #199: Fix status LEDs current limiting resistors 0:30 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #201: Connect the reset button on U10 reset pin 1:00 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #202: Fan not starting 0:30 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #204: Remote Voltage sense stability issue 1:00 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #206: DAC output is always 0V 0:30 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #208: Add trimmer to tune the feedback gain to x66 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #209: Add a low pass filter on 24V input 0:30 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #210: Add low pass filters on -12V, +12V and +5V 0:30 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #217: Compensate current drawn by LM7805 on GND/+12V only 0:30 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #200: Fix L1 inductance footprint 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #212: Add debug test points for I2C 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Développement Evolution #213: Remove the delayed and progressive start from the security 0:15 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Développement Evolution #222: Include firmware source code in the repository 1:00 Actions
07/04/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Evolution #220: Remove extra protection diodes D9/D7 not useful because of flyback diode D8 on LM7805 0:15 Actions
07/03/2020 François Cerbelle Conception Anomalie #193: Feedback is currently returning -8mV with no load (should be 0V) 0:12 Actions
07/03/2020 François Cerbelle Développement Evolution #222: Include firmware source code in the repository 0:05 Actions

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