0.0.2 open about 6 months late (09/30/2024) 6% 21 issues (0 closed — 21 open) Related issues Evolution #337: Automate AppImage tests Actions Evolution #367: Add GCC instrumentation (address, threads, leaks, pointers, ...) in debug compilations Actions Evolution #388: modmgr testsuite Actions Evolution #418: Move Liboom to libdebug Actions Evolution #419: Externalize LibDebug as a subproject Actions Evolution #420: Refactor MemTrack tests Actions Evolution #428: Check AutoGen/AutoOpts implementation and integration with autotools/autopoint/gettext Actions Feature request #270: Create a RHEL packaging subproject Actions Feature request #275: Create a Flatpak packaging subproject Actions Feature request #330: Create package as an APP(Bundle) in DMG or as a PKG installer for MacOSX Actions Feature request #352: Create an internal structure : double linked list Actions Feature request #366: Create a snap packaging subproject Actions Feature request #379: Windows installer : Templatize/parametrize mkernel.nsi with bindir, srcdir, docdir, mandir, ..... Actions Feature request #380: Implement mkernel architecture Actions Feature request #381: Implement hook lists Actions Feature request #401: B*+ tree : Implementation, Documentation, Check unit tests Actions Feature request #425: Close 0.0.2 and start next version Actions Feature request #426: Packaging (Parent task) Actions Feature request #427: Implement a readline and/or ncurses module Actions
Later open Scheduled for later version 19% 8 issues (1 closed — 7 open) Related issues Evolution #338: commit -> dist+distcheck -> build+check(bin, dbg, werror, pdf) -> package(deb, deb-dbg, deb-dev, deb-docs, AppImage, exe, dmg, pkg) -> testpackage Actions Feature request #271: Create a TCE packaging subproject Actions Feature request #320: Bugreport plugin to create a ticket in redmine with version number mandatory field Actions Feature request #321: Check update plugin checking redmine files Actions Feature request #351: Add a perftest check in tests to execute load tests and generate gprof stats Actions