



From 03/24/2014 to 04/22/2014


10:52 PM Revision 129:0318a2b5766a (demovm): removed JRS 56 preview
François Cerbelle


09:31 AM Evolution #135 (Nouveau): Add a topic to the DomainSecurity samples
Add a simple topic beside of the domain in the domain security samples. François Cerbelle
09:20 AM Revision 128:109fb6e133d2 (demovm): Increased VMWare disk image size to 8GB
François Cerbelle


10:01 AM Anomalie #134 (Résolu): Move Resources/Datatypes folder to Resources/InputControls/Datatypes in all samples and Skeleton
Applied in changeset demovm|commit:81e8f4c142fa. Anonymous
10:01 AM Revision 127:81e8f4c142fa (demovm): Moved Resources/DataTypes in Resources/InputControls/DataTypes (Closes #134)
* DomainSecurity : Moved Resources/DataTypes in Resources/InputControls/DataTypes (References #134)
* SpiderChart : M...
François Cerbelle
09:41 AM Revision 126:58d430c5902c (demovm): Moved Datatype folder in InputControl folder (References #134)
François Cerbelle


07:30 PM Anomalie #134 (Fermé): Move Resources/Datatypes folder to Resources/InputControls/Datatypes in all samples and Skeleton
Datatypes are used only in Input controls, exactly as Queries and LOVs. François Cerbelle


03:39 PM Evolution #133 (Résolu): Add JasperEmbedSample to VM
Auto update the files in the VM from the Git project on demand (HTML button) François Cerbelle


01:52 PM Revision 125:4266f10e2651 (demovm): Puppet modules as a sub project (and a lot more)
* Removed Amazon EBS builder from packer base VM install
* Added PDF direct link in iFrames integrations
* Added pupp...
François Cerbelle


05:51 PM Revision 124:bfec7cd9f6c3 (demovm): Removed Amazon EBS builder from packer base VM install
François Cerbelle
04:41 PM Revision 123:d1cff5ab38e7 (demovm): Added PDF direct link in iFrames integrations
François Cerbelle
01:33 PM Revision 122:6777cd6fdbaa (demovm): Added .orig files in ignore list
* Updated bootstrap scripts with puppet-modules François Cerbelle


06:13 PM Revision 121:dd930e6fa0a2 (demovm): No direct root connection on the VM
* Updated bootstrap scripts with puppet-modules
* Autoswitch to root when is started as non root (for Debi...
François Cerbelle

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