



From 01/25/2014 to 02/23/2014


04:09 PM Revision 111:fa7c878501d6 (demovm): DemoVM (5.6.0-preview)
* Updated to JRS 5.6-preview (Closes #126)
* Changed XMLA catalogs name in public/analysis (Closes #127)
* Added UTF8...
François Cerbelle


12:28 PM Revision 110:c7d0f903ad5f (demovm): Added echo before else in Install script to make comments easier
François Cerbelle
12:21 PM Revision 109:4ec48b48afec (demovm): Stop services before cleaning the logs and shutting down the VM after install
François Cerbelle


06:36 PM Revision 108:004761d8763d (demovm): Updated VM version numbers in files
François Cerbelle
06:34 PM Revision 107:dae4f3851a4b (demovm): Increased VM disk size to 7.5GB
The VM started, then the services were initializing, then after
few minutes, the disk was full. Anyway, we need some ...
François Cerbelle
06:28 PM Revision 106:dbb15b1f4431 (demovm): DemoVM (5.5.0-3)
* Grabbed LogStash from bundled windows install, packaged it and added it to the VM (Closes #124) François Cerbelle
01:04 PM Revision 105:7b0641cdbac1 (demovm): DemoVM (5.5.0-2)
* Switched from netinst image to full image
* Added provisionner to remove CDROM repositories (because of full ISO in...
François Cerbelle


09:36 AM Revision 104:056af1bb789c (demovm): DemoVM (5.5.0-2)
* Increased disksize from 6.144G to 7.0G
* Added DocOMatic dependencies in installation script (References #36)
* Add...
François Cerbelle

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