



From 11/24/2013 to 12/23/2013


06:37 PM 1:00 hour (Evolution #120 (Nouveau): System status and halt in header)
François Cerbelle


10:52 PM 1:30 hour (Evolution #34 (Fermé): Adding AdHoc report templates)
François Cerbelle
05:45 PM 1:00 hour (Evolution #113 (Fermé): Move LogView page to Services page)
François Cerbelle
04:49 PM 2:30 hours (Evolution #33 (Fermé): Adding the tabbed dashboard)
François Cerbelle


05:52 PM 2:00 hours (Evolution #52 (Fermé): Port of Sameer's Foodmart2012 samples)
François Cerbelle


11:51 PM 0:15 hour (Evolution #52 (Fermé): Port of Sameer's Foodmart2012 samples)
François Cerbelle
10:03 PM 1:00 hour (Evolution #109 (Fermé): Port of pre5.5 samples)
François Cerbelle
10:00 AM 2:00 hours (Evolution #109 (Fermé): Port of pre5.5 samples)
François Cerbelle


09:55 AM 0:15 hour (Evolution #109 (Fermé): Port of pre5.5 samples)
Moved old samples in the standard skeleton structure and created an export François Cerbelle


10:30 PM 3:00 hours (Evolution #103 (Fermé): Add new black samples in default samples)
Ported SQL queries Pg to My, Reorganized Repo, Added XMLASource to fix XMLAConnection, ... François Cerbelle


07:11 PM 0:15 hour (Evolution #54 (Fermé): Port of Themes samples)
François Cerbelle


04:15 PM 2:00 hours (Evolution #32 (Fermé): Adding StdDev to AdHoc summary functions)
Port of StdDev AdHoc aggregation to 5.5 and packaged install François Cerbelle
12:26 PM 0:15 hour (Evolution #89 (Fermé): Web action : MySQL ViewLog, Stop, Start)
Service management François Cerbelle
12:26 PM 0:15 hour (Evolution #90 (Fermé): Web action : Infobright ViewLog, Stop, Start)
Service management François Cerbelle
12:26 PM 0:15 hour (Evolution #91 (Fermé): Web action : MongoDB ViewLog, Stop, Start)
Service management François Cerbelle
12:26 PM 0:15 hour (Evolution #92 (Fermé): Web action : CommandLine ViewLog, Stop, Start)
Service management François Cerbelle
12:26 PM 0:15 hour (Evolution #93 (Fermé): Web action : JobServer ViewLog, Stop, Start)
Service management François Cerbelle

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