Evolution #410
closedoomtest_begin/oomtest_end: noop if not oomtest_setup before
oomtest_setup : make oomtest_*_postinit active, set soft rlimit but not hard rlimit
oomtest_reset : make oomtest_*_preinit active, reset soft rlimit to hard rlimit
oomtest_begin_preinit : noop
oomtest_begin_postinit : actual memory fill
oomtest_end_preinit : noop
oomtest_end_postinit : actual memory free
use oomtest_setup in checked_*_oom_setup (in child process if forking enabled)
use oomtest_reset in checked_*_oom_teardown (in child process if forking enabled)
Thus, the main process, testsuites and testcases are not limited by default, only oom testcases with the relevant checked fixtures
Updated by François Cerbelle 9 months ago
- Blocks Feature request #400: Implement tests for the oomtest_begin/oomtest_end functions added
Updated by François Cerbelle 9 months ago
- Status changed from Nouveau to Résolu
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset mkernel|240341c8a39648e57fbce8d3e162526a2c3cf3ec.