This document describes the different PCB(Printed Circuit Board). They should all be hot-pluggable : * Motherboard/backplane * PSU(Power supply Unit)s PCB * UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply) PCB * NIC(Network Interface Controller) PCBs * Microcontroller/Microprocessor PCB * Hakeva Core PCBs * RAM(Random Access Memory) PCBs {{>toc}} !HardwareArchitectureOverview.png! h1. Backplane/Motherbord The size has respect an ATX standard to fit in standard racks. Micro-ATX h2. Connectors * ATX Power * JTAG * I2C * UART * FTDI/USB to UART * Connection BUS (2 microcontrolers, 1 UPS, 2 PSU, 5 RAM or FPGA) * Front panel (Power, Alert and Reset buttons, Power, Alert, Heartbeat1, Heartbeat2, LEDs) * 2x 3pins PWM Global FAN connectors h2. Connection bus * Power : -12V, -5V, GND, +3.3V, +5V, +12V * JTAG : TDI(Test Data In), TDO(Test Data Out), TCK(Test Clock), TMS(Test Mode Select), TRST(Test Reset) * I²C : SDA(Serial Data), SCL(Serial Clock) * RAM bus : Addr lines, Data lines, BankSelect?, WE, OE, CLK? It has connectors to support module hotplug : * Memory modules with standard DDR2 (DDR3/4/5 if possible) * Storage modules with up-to 4 x Standard 2.5' HDD/SSD for persistence and RAID 0, 1, 10, 5 support * PSU(Power Supply Unit) modules (up-to two of them) for HA * UPS((Uninterruptible Power Supply) to drain the data in case of power failure and to keep the RAM refreshed to avoid dataloss * Redis Core (FPGA) modules h2. BMC/IPMI/Redfish It has to embed an onboard BMC/IPMI for easy management with its own dedicated NIC. Maybe OpenBMC ( running on a Raspberry Compute Module 3+ ( in a SO-DIMM form factor, with a dedicated ENC28J60 NIC ( h2. Power control and Reset A Reset+Brown-out+Watchdog dedicated circuit A clean reset momentary push button with NE555 debounce. A momentary push power button (short press soft-toggles power, long press to hard power-off) h2. I2C BUS h3. RTC with battery (or super-capa), updated by the microcontrolers, from the network, with NTP h3. PWM FAN controlers h1. FPGA node [[FPGA node|FPGA node hardware design]] h1. Microcontroler nodes It has 1 (or 2 for HA) hotpluggable microcontroler module. Each of them has his own dedicated NIC(Network Interface Controler), as an 100M/1G/10G SFP+ module. It has to support backup and restore processes. With ATSHA, EEPROM, Flash, Clock, I2C BUS, I2C temp sensor