This document describes the different PCB. They should all be hot-pluggable :

Hardware Architecture Overview Draft


The size has respect an ATX standard to fit in standard racks. Micro-ATX


Connection bus

It has connectors to support module hotplug :


It has to embed an onboard BMC/IPMI for easy management with its own dedicated NIC.
Maybe OpenBMC ( running on a Raspberry Compute Module 3+ ( in a SO-DIMM form factor, with a dedicated ENC28J60 NIC (

Power control and Reset

A Reset+Brown-out+Watchdog dedicated circuit
A clean reset momentary push button with NE555 debounce.
A momentary push power button (short press soft-toggles power, long press to hard power-off)



with battery (or super-capa), updated by the microcontrolers, from the network, with NTP

PWM FAN controlers

FPGA node

FPGA node hardware design

Microcontroler nodes

It has 1 (or 2 for HA) hotpluggable microcontroler module. Each of them has his own dedicated NIC, as an 100M/1G/10G SFP+ module. It has to support backup and restore processes. With ATSHA, EEPROM, Flash, Clock, I2C BUS, I2C temp sensor